Custom Sugar Cookies are 3 1/2" rounds topped with made-from-scratch fondant and a custom, printed design. Customize our cookies with any design of your choice! Customized cookies are a delicious and whimsical way to advertise your business; say thanks to customers or employees; announce your wedding or engagement;
- Company logos
- Engagement/Wedding announcement
- Baby/Bridal shower
Our cookies are big and soft on the inside with a light, crisp exterior.
Available flavors:
- Sugar Cookie
- Vanilla Shortbread
- Chocolate Shortbread
- Oatmeal
- Peanut Butter
- Snickerdoodles
- Chocolate Crinkle
- Lemon Crinkle
Custom Cookies
- ALL: flour (non-GMO), butter (hormone-free, non-GMO), sugar, eggs, milk, cream, natual flavorings, pure vanilla extract, salt
FONDANT: Pure cane sugar syrup, powdered sugar, pure vanilla extract (zero corn syrup)
- ALL: flour (non-GMO), butter (hormone-free, non-GMO), sugar, eggs, milk, cream, natual flavorings, pure vanilla extract, salt